Michael J. Marks Distinguished Professor of Business Law, Director, Institute of Asian-Pacific Business Law, The William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Speakers SD
Assistant Professor, Fudan University
Title: The Process of Narrative Persuasion: The Making of Matchmaking in China Abstract: The matchmaking market in China is a public space where parents with unmarried adult children congregate and scout for potential sons- or daughters-in-law. Although the practice of matchmaking...
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Professor, Department of Sociology, Fudan University
Title: Bitterness Narrative: The Moral Foundation of Small Business Owners in Yiwu, China Abstract: Many small business owners in China attribute their success to their “bitter experiences,” yet there has been limited research investigating the nature and the moral foundation...
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Associate Professor, Chongqing University
Title: Can living in an age-friendly neighborhood environment protect older adults from falls in China? Abstract: Falls pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of older adults, particularly in China, where fall-related injuries are alarmingly prevalent. Based on a...
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